


香奈儿(Chanel)是法国奢侈品品牌,创始人是Coco Chanel(原名是Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel ,中文名是加布里埃·香奈儿),该品牌干1910年在法国创立。





1.Child labour (童工)


1.1 Make sureno any less than 16 years old workers in factory(确保无16周岁以下工人


1.2 young worker should conduct registration and medical check before starting working(未成年工备案及体检)

2.Forced or compulsory(强迫劳工)

make sure no any evidence show forced or compulsory labor in factory(确保无强迫劳动现象)

3. Health & safety (健康安全)

make sure have health and safety committee and relatedpolicvand the related trainina with records forworkers(健康安全委员会,培训记录)

3.1 Fire extinguisher (火火器): install enough fire extinguisherand make sure each fire tinguishers are in use -配备足够的灭火器并确保每一个灭火器检查有效

3.2 Fire hydrant (消防栓): make sure each fire hydrant are in use---每一个消防栓检查确保有效,有压力有水

3.3 Escape mapping (逃生图):make sure location accurate---图上标注的设施及出口及看图者位置要与实际一致

3.4 Emergencylight (应急灯): make sure each energencyis working--确保每一个应急灯有效

3.5 Exit sian(出口标识): make sure each exit sian is enouah and workina--确保数量足够目每一个出口标识有效

3.6 Stair and aisle(通道及楼梯): make sure unblock anytime--确保场通

37 Fxit door安全门)"make each exit door onen toward eacane direction---门开启方向与生方向一致

3.8 conduct inspection with record for each fire extinguishers,fire hydrants, exit sign and emergency light 消防器材检查记录

3.9 install exit sign and emergency light above allexit 在所有安全出口上方安装出口标识和应急灯

4.Job position riskanalysis(工作岗位风险分析)

conduct job position risk analysis. make sure clearly describethe risk of each position. includina machine andthe risk of using chemicals,which has to be marked and protection facilitiesr进行工作岗位的风险分析,清楚地描述每一个岗位的风险,包括机器及使用化学品的风险,且要注明使用何种保护设施,且按实际情况配置

Indoor air monitoring(室内空气检测)

The occupational disease medical check(职业病体检)


4. chemicalsmanagement(化学品管理

4.1 Chemicalslist(化学品清单): make chemical list need include each chemical which using in facory-化学品清单

4.2 MSDS (物质资料安全表): make sure have complete MSDS(16 items) foreach chemical MSDS should be post in storage room or usingarea--16项的物质资料安全表,须张贴在储存及使用处

4.3 Label(标识): make sure have right label in local lanquage for each chemical container--每一个容器必须有中文标识

4.4 Secondary container (二次容器): make sure havesecondary container for each liguid chemical--确保二次容器

4.5 PPE (劳保用品): provide right PPE according to MSDS--MSDS描述提供正确的劳保用品


4.6 Chemical training(培训): make sure to provide chemical training to who is in charge of storge or using--使用及储存人员培训且保存记录

4.7 ElA and EIA approval (环评报告及验收批文):should have 2 pemits ofacceptance and approval(房屋结构验收及消防验收批文)

4.8 Hazarous waste treatment (危险废物处理): should treat them byqualified vendor---合同,资质,道路运输转移联单等

4 9 Fneray conservation and emission reduction nolicies andmeasures(节能消排政第及措施--should have such policy and measures, and keep relatedrecords--节能减排政策及措施,保存相关记录

4.10 Provide enough leak proof facilities and make sure nodivulge into the soil or water while storge or using确保储存及使用化学品时没泄露污染土壤

4.11 Envioromentalmonitoring(环保检测

4.12 Approval permit of the waste water treatment facilities(废水处理设施验收批文)

4.13 Approval permit of dust treatment facilities(粉尘处理设施验收批文)

4.14 Eye wash station(洗眼器


5 First aid kit(急救箱)

5.1 medicine list(药品):make medicine list and nrovideaccording to the listand make sure each of then are in use--清单,按清单配置药品,确保所有药品未过期

5.2 inspection record(检查记录):conduct inspectionfor first aid kit and keep record--定时检查药箱且记录在案

5.3 medicine using record(用药记录):keep iniuryrecord--用药记录等同伤记录

5.4 first aider(急救员):have enough first aider with certificate, post copy beside first aid kit--急救员足够,张贴复印件在急救箱旁

5.5 Responders actualoperation(急救员实操)


6. Freedom ofassociation(自由结社): workers have right of Freedom ofassociation--结社自由


7. Nodiscrimination(歧视)--No discrimination--不歧视


8.Disciplinary practices (奖征)---Nofinancialpenalties--不能经济处罚





Wanes andother legal benefits should heauaranteed---工资乃法福利均须保障


11.Hours of work(工作时间)

Legal overtime hours or rest days should be guaranteed--法定工作时间及休息日均须保障

12.Contract (劳动合同) should sign labor contract according to legalrequirement---依法签订劳动合同