



Dr.Martens,著名的丁鞋品牌,上世纪十八十年代,DrMartens成为朋克,光头党和New Wave新浪潮等的最爱,他们穿着它与机车夹克、牛仔,脸上带着讥笑表情,马丁靴充满了传奇色彩,早在1945年的德国,一位IDrklaus Maertens的医生和他的朋友DrHerhert Funck尔卑斯山滑雪,不慎摔伤了脚,在康复过程中,为了使自己走路轻松些,马丁斯博士和他的朋友设计了一种看起来很粗鲁,但非常舒适的靴子来穿。不出两年,这种设计便在德国注册,专为那些年老有腿疾和腰痛的德国妇女生产保健鞋。




此外,Dr.MartensAir Wair鞋底设计,舒服耐用,多年来一直是吸引人们的原因,在现代的时尚圈,DrMartens的靴子被公认全世界最舒适的靴子,并且外型经典,成很多靴子爱好者的必备收藏品。发展至现在,Dr.Martens除了鞋展外,还推出服装,文具,包等,在英国,几乎没有任何一位男不认识这个经典牌子。




Severe/Serious Issues 严重问题项

Dr Martens is committed to uphold hiah ethical and environmental standards at their suppliers. We believe the basis of having aood standards cascade down from top manaaement interest and investment to people and planet,公司承诺对其供应商执行道德和环境的高标准,我们相信,从高层管理者和投资者的利益到人类和地球都希我们执行高标准的基础。


Below are some of Severe/Serious issues that without a proper resolution Dr.Martens may interrupt the business relationship with the suppliers. 以下是马公司界定的部分严重问题项,如果发现这些问题,并且没有正确的解决方案,我们与供应商的商业合作将可能终止。


0 Evidence of child labour 童工

0 Forced/bondedabour强迫劳动/奴隶劳动

0 Continual coercion or harassment ofworkers胁迫与骚扰

0 Severe and deliberate discrimination严重蓄意


0 Forbidden freedom of association and collective bargaining 禁止自由结社和集体协商

0 Systematic payment below legal minimum wages and/or systematically delayed payment 惯常的低于法定最低工资标准/惯常的延迟支付工资

0 Excessive working hours 过长的工作时间

0 Critical Life Threatening HSE conditions 对健康安全和环境有生命伤害的威

0 Evidence of disregard to environmental practices and non-compliance to environmental laws and regulations.破坏环境以及不符合环境法律法规

0 Evidence of product risk due to lack ofRSL control system 缺乏对受限物质的管控导致产品存在化性问题的风险

o Unauthorized subcontracting权的分包

0 Confirmed cases of financial bribery or threats made by production facility management towards third-party auditors or customer staffs 试图金钱贿赂或者威胁第三方审核员或客户工作人员

0 Evidence of producing counterfeit products and genera lack of care of brands Intellectua Property.发现制造假冒产品以及缺乏对品牌知识产权的关注

 Continua non-transnarency with reaard to nroduction facillity conditions/records 持续性的不


0 Denied access or partial denied access to documents and factory staff 拒绝审核或部分拒绝审核

O No Business Reqistration to operate as previously declared to Dr.Martens in accordance with National Law 没有如之前告知马汀公司的那样依照法律要求进行商业注册